Home • Financial Statements 2023-2024

HolonCards LLC Financial Statements 2023-2024

Balance Sheet

As of April 30, 2024 (Unit: Yen)

Assets Section Amount (¥)
Current Assets 17,949,886
Merchandise 17,018,689
Advances 2,000
Prepaid Expenses 929,197
Fixed Assets 3,189,520
(Investments and Other Assets)
Security Deposits 3,189,520
Total Assets 21,139,406
Liabilities Section Amount (¥)
Current Liabilities 6,662,896
Accounts Payable 2,740,679
Accrued Corporate Taxes 3,879,400
Deposits Received 42,817
Total Liabilities 6,662,896
Net Assets Section Amount (¥)
Member Capital 14,476,510
Capital 5,000,000
Retained Earnings 9,476,510
Carried Forward Retained Earnings 9,476,510
Total Net Assets 14,476,510
Total Liabilities and Net Assets 21,139,406

Income Statement

From May 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024 (Unit: Yen)

Item Amount (¥)
Sales 74,501,837
Cost of Goods Sold
Opening Inventory 3,932,430
Purchases 67,899,202
Total 71,831,632
Ending Inventory 17,018,689
Cost of Goods Sold 54,812,943
Gross Profit 19,688,894
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
Executive Compensation 3,600,000
Statutory Welfare Costs 478,830
Rent 425,112
Consumables 227,768
Taxes 92,614
Shipping 1,093,280
Payment Fees 534,216
Miscellaneous 7,932
Total 6,459,752
Operating Income 13,229,142
Ordinary Income 13,229,142
Income Before Taxes 13,229,142
Corporate, Resident, and Business Taxes 3,879,400
Net Income for the Period 9,349,742

Statement of Changes in Equity

From May 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024 (Unit: Yen)

Member Capital Amount (¥)
Capital: 5,000,000
Balance at Beginning and End of Period: 5,000,000
Retained Earnings Amount (¥)
Other Retained Earnings: 9,476,510
Carried Forward Retained Earnings: 9,476,510
Balance at Beginning of Period: 126,768
Changes During Period: Net Income for the Period: 9,349,742
Balance at End of Period: 9,476,510
Total Retained Earnings Amount (¥)
Balance at Beginning of Period: 126,768
Changes During Period: 9,349,742
Balance at End of Period: 9,476,510
Total Member Capital Amount (¥)
Balance at Beginning of Period: 5,126,768
Changes During Period: 9,349,742
Balance at End of Period: 14,476,510
Total Net Assets Amount (¥)
Balance at Beginning of Period: 5,126,768
Changes During Period: 9,349,742
Balance at End of Period: 14,476,510

Individual Notes

From May 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024

This statement is prepared according to the guidelines for accounting of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Notes on Significant Accounting Policies

  • Basis and Method of Asset Valuation: Inventory Valuation: Last purchase price method is adopted.
  • Other significant matters for preparing the statements: Accounting Treatment of Consumption Tax: Tax-included method is adopted.